Green Lane Nursery and
childcare centre

About The Organisation

Rising STAR's

The bright and airy environment is lighted by natural sunlight, lamps and fairy light to create a feeling of warmth, simplicity and togetherness.

Activities will be carefully planned following observations of the children's interests - in the moment - focusing on process over product. The room offers loose parts and natural resources, providing children with endless opportunities to build on their play and to create and expand their life skills that support their learning and development.

The spacious and inviting outdoor learning environment is currently being developed, our plans are for an Eco/Woodland theme and a little bit of the "good life". We have also raised our very own Chickens which the children will be helping to look after.

The room will be staffed by dedicated, passionate and highly qualified practitioners who will provide a safe, calm and nurturing, home from home environment where "every child shines".

More information to follow.

> See Pre-School Page