Green Lane Nursery and
childcare centre

About The Organisation


Tiggers: children aged 2 to 3 years : 12 places; ratio of 1 adult to 4 children

Tiggers’ Room is for children aged 2 to 3 years old.

Carers are available 07:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, 50 weeks of the year.You are entitled to 13 weeks holiday throughout the school holidays. If care is required during this time, letters will be sent to you for confirmation of childcare required (our opening hours remain the same). Any holidays taken throughout term time will be charged.You will be invited to visit Nursery prior to admission. This will enable you to meet staff and other children, and familiarise with the Nursery itself. It will also give you the opportunity to discuss any issues you may have. You are welcome to stay in Nursery during the first days in order to help your child settle.You will be entitled to 15 hours free funding per week from their third birthday although this is not received from the Government until the term after their third birthday. A member of our team will discuss with you your child’s move to Pre-school nearer the time. Our fees are £3.95 per hour. We are able to provide your child with a hot meal from the primary school canteen; the additional cost will be £2.46 per day; alternatively you are welcome to send your child with a packed lunch. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Role-play and imaginative play
One of the ways in which children can extend their understanding of the world is by acting out in their play experiences and relationships they have encountered so far. Children need to be able to experience what it feels like to be a mother, father, granny, nurse, doctor, et cetera. This helps the child to see the world from the other person’s viewpoint.Imaginative play provides an opportunity for children to act out situations. Dressing up clothes can help a child feel a little like someone else. Dressing up is great fun and also gives a child an opportunity to experiment with various materials, textures, weight, warmth and colour.We offer dressing up clothes, tabards, shoes, hats, et cetera for the children to try out. We regularly change our role play area based on children’s interest such as campsite, farm shop and beach.

Sand play
Nearly all of the children love to play with sand. It is a natural material that children can feel, build, mould, dig, flatten, fill, pour and empty.Sand play is an essential experience for young children as it enables them to understand different concepts. It also encourages sharing, co-operation, self-discipline, conversation and socialisation with other children.

Water play
Water is soothing, sensory and un-demanding; it encourages co-operation and is free. There is the miracle of discovery, and volume and weight, but most importantly there is ‘no right or wrong’ and therefore no sense of failure.Water play is marvellous for developing language, hand and eye co-ordination and socialisation. We provide an endless list of equipment to use in the water - anything goes!

We offer healthy snacks during each session which are free of charge. These could include apples and raisins, melon and kiwi, wholemeal toast or bread sticks and dip. Water and milk are available at snack time and children are given a choice.The children often participate in helping to make their own snack. Water is available during the session if the children need extra drinks.

Sleep time
If your child requires a sleep during their time in the Tiggers’ Room, or just needs a place to go for some quiet time, we have a lovely space which has lots of cushions, blankets, pictures and fairy lights.

Outdoor play
We offer the same play and learning opportunities outdoors as we do indoors. Activities can be provided on a larger scale to extend experiences further; for example, water play could include gutters and pipes. Children have a free choice of play, as they do indoors. We have a mini-beast area to explore, a garden and planters for the children to water and care for, bikes and cars to encourage the children to develop their gross motor skills, and lots more. We have access to a lovely garden area which includes a sensory area, a willow igloo, and a walk-in sandpit. We also go for lots of walks around the area.The Early Years Foundation Stage framework states that outdoor play must be included in each day's activities unless the weather is deemed to be unsafe. We ask that children are dressed appropriately to suit the weather conditions (ie: named wellies, coats and hats in cold and wet weather, and sun hats in the warm weather). Sun cream must be provided in the warm weather.

Floor and table
We provide a wide range of activities and toys both on the floor and table. These encourage manipulation, hand and eye co-ordination, the opportunity to encourage sharing and concentration, and provide stimulation throughout play.We offer threading, lacing, diggers and cars, dinosaur swamps, small world building sites, gloop (cornflour and water), play-dough (which the children make), dried and cooked pasta, baking activities, artistic adventures and much more!We also have a sensory area to encourage children to investigate and explore using all of their senses. It is never too early to introduce children to books; book corner is quiet and calm with a variety of books, comfy cushions and puppets.

Creative experiences
Painting is an activity which most children enjoy enormously. They can use painting for learning, reinforcing and as a means of self-expression. We do not show them how to do it; we let the children express themselves! The use of paint brushes, rollers and toothbrushes encourages hand-eye co-ordination and gives practice in the various stages of gripping.Collage is another form of creative play. Children are able to select a wide range of materials to develop their works of art. Parents can support us by providing plastic bottle tops, yoghurt pots, material, shiny wrappers, etc. We do provide aprons for the children to wear during these messy activities; however, we do advise that old clothes for Nursery are a very good idea!

Music and dance
Singing, dancing and using musical instruments can be very soothing and are a very pleasurable experience for children. We offer regular opportunities for children to try out a variety of instruments and play along to different styles of music.Children learn to speak by imitating. Those who have learnt to listen and join in songs tend to become more confident in their use of words. They develop voice control by repeating songs and rhymes. Action songs provide exercise and encourage body control; circle games help social development when everyone has to take turns or play a part.

We have recently purchased new tablets, cameras and remote control vehicles which the children can access freely throughout the day.