Report by the Chair of Directors

Annual Report 2024

I wish to start by expressing my thanks to the staff team we have at the Nursery, with numbers at the setting being so strong we rely on our wonderful staff who do a magnificent job in looking after the children to the highest standard. The continued professionalism and care that our staff display to parents/carers, organisations and others externally is exemplary. The leadership team of Nursery Manager and Business Manager have without doubt proved to be an asset to our Nursery that many other settings would be envious of, my thanks to Mel and Jemma for the tireless work they do above and beyond.

I personally wish to thank my fellow Directors for what they bring to our nursery. With the experience, knowledge and enthusiasm they display, it makes each meeting a great experience. With us only being a small number, we will again look to strengthen the board to continue to be as diverse as possible with our skillset. Once again, I must thank Sarah for her unwavering assistance with minute taking. Decisions are never easy when on a board of Directors, however I’m proud to be part of this board in our professionalism to deliver the best Nursery setting in Barnard Castle.

We have been ably assisted by our accountant, Jane Ascroft, who has steered us through the finances of a business such as ours seamlessly. Our aim is to have a thriving business for years to come, but financial challenges are coming at us from all sides, rising living wage costs, running costs, and maintaining competitive fees for parents is a fine balance which we continue deal with on an annual basis.

Numbers at the Nursery have remained steady throughout the year, with almost 100 children spread across the rooms, with a further 30 children attending after school clubs run by the staff.

Jemma as Business Manager with her ever tightening purse strings has managed to show improvement in this year’s accounts. Income increased from 2023 mainly due to fee rises, at a time when funding is reducing. Expenditure also increased from 2023, due mainly to the rise in our salary costs to meet Living Wage rises and maintaining being a competitive employer, albeit not as steeply as other businesses. Despite the expenditure increase we did finish the year with a profit to carry forward, something that will allow us to reinvest back into the business in this next financial year, as we continue to invest in ways which keep us unique and outstanding in our delivery.

With the positive outlook of the leadership team, we feel that we are addressing any concerns for the future of the business. With a committed board of Directors and excellent staff, we are working to continue to offer the ‘Outstanding’ level of care, attention to detail and dedication needed to operate a great Nursery. 

Iain Brown,
Chair of Directors